Thursday, November 29, 2012

Danny + Katie + 4 | Family portraits

We met Danny and Katie in high school, I was a freshman when they were seniors and Victor was a sophomore. Katie and I were on the dance team and Victor and Danny were in wrestling together. My most vivid memory of Katie is during a dance team meeting after school when she, out of the blue, blurts out that she doesn't understand why Danny isn't asking her out. She proceeds to tell our coach that she needs to go find out what's going on because he just won't make his move. Our coach simply sais "go" and about 15 minutes later Katie comes back quite nonchalant and says "okay we're together now" lol. Oh high school.

Needless to say, Katie and Danny are still together, happily married and raising their four beautiful children. It was wonderful to see each other again after all these years. It's nice to see how well they have done for themselves and how happy they are! We shot their family portraits at a park not too far from our old high school.

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